Wednesday 18 July 2012

Leibster Award

The lovely Claudia from Little Cottage Big Life tagged me yesterday for a Leibster Award!  Being fairly new to the blogging world, I had read something about it somewhere once before but I didn't know what was involved, until I was tagged. 

I love the concept behind this, how it works and how it spreads the love around for new and smaller blogs.  So here goes...

The award -

The rules -
  1. Each person must post 11 facts about themselves.
  2. Answer 11 questions the tagger has given you and give 11 questions for the person you tag.
  3. Choose 11 people & link them to your post. (They must have 200 followers or less)
  4. Tell them you have tagged them.
  5. Remember, no tag backs.

11 facts about me -
  1. I have really strong nails that I don't bite, but have only ever had two manicures in my life.
  2. My family is from the Seychelles, but I was born in Oz
  3. I love Neighbours (the TV show - sad I know)
  4. I am gluten intolerant, which really sucks cos I LOVE bread!
  5. I love candles, but don't get to enjoy them so much living in the tropics..
  6. I could eat buttered popcorn, salted peanuts or hot fresh buttered bread for every meal if I had my way!
  7. I hate ironing
  8. I love good coffee and red wine 
  9. I am learning more about wellness than ever before so that I can take better care of myself and my family
  10. My father is a third generation vanilla grower & producer, which make me fourth generation...
  11. Our farm is in the Daintree, Far North Queensland, one of my favourite places in the world

Claudia's questions for me -
    1. One word that best describes you.  Loud!
    2. Whats your favourite place to eat breakfast? Anywhere but home, but at home I am usually in front of the computer answering emails before the morning rush starts...
    3. If you could go back in time, what year and why?  I would probably go back to anytime in my uni days and tell myself to  1) stop drinking so much, go to the doctor to get your head sorted, 2) stop eating so much, go to the doctor to get your head sorted and 3) you will be OK.   
    4. If your life was a reality TV show what would it be called?  Survivor
    5. What is your fondest memory of the 80′s?  leg warmers:)
    6. One thing you can share that you are most proud of.  my kids (cliche answer I know, but so true!)
    7. High School – love or hate?  mixed
    8. Aldi, Woolies, Franklins or Coles?  Coles - online whenever possible
    9. What made you decide to be a blogger?  writing is good therapy for me, and blogging helps me stick with it in a way a diary or journal can't!  I also wanted to get people talking more about depression to help bust the stigmas attached.
    10. Sweet or savory?  Savoury, cos I gave up sugar three months ago...
    11. Do you like baked beans? YUCK!  just can't do it! 

Questions for my tagees -
  1. Do you have a nickname?
  2. What is your favourite food?
  3. How old were you when you got your licence?  
  4. Coffee or tea?
  5. Got any tattoos or piercings?
  6. Do you exercise or are you a couch potato?
  7. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
  8. Have you met anyone famous?
  9. What are you reading right now?   
  10. Apple or android?
  11. Finish this:  When I lose it with my kids I generally.....

My Tagees:
  1. Natalie from Shrinking Rat
  2. Jane from Insane Jane
  3. Laura from Twenty5seven
  4. Skye from Wherever the day takes you
  5. Veronica from Mixed Gems
  6. Loulou from Here I am Loulou
  7. Jo from Chickens and Bees
  8. Jayne from Writing without pay
  9. Miss Cinders from Saturday Morning Ogre Mum

No pressure to take part ladies, especially if you have done this before!  This has been a cool way to find new, interesting and fun blogs for me, so I hope you enjoy it too:)

Mummy in Disguise


  1. So great Jackie! Thanks for playing and I loved your answers. Especially the one about baked beans :)

  2. Thanks for tagging me Claudia, I enjoyed it! xoxo

  3. Hi,

    Sorry this is so belated... we've all come down with the plague in our house!! I'm joining in now!

    1. Hi Laura, awesome! will look out for your answers:)

      Hope everyone is feeling better soon.

  4. Heya hunny!

    Forgot to come back and do this!! It's not my first one, but you have questions attached, and I love answering questions lol

    So it's on my blog to do list for tonight :D

    Miss Cinders xxx

    1. Great! Can't wait to see your answers:) xoxo


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