Friday 27 July 2012

Art of Gratitude...all the talented, crafty ones out there!

Just as I have changed Food & Mood Monday to Tuesday, I am going to change Thankful Thursdays over to Art of Gratitude - I now wish to be grateful whenever the feeling pleases me! 

now that we have an official diagnosis for my DS of ADD and I have realised that I am going to have to be more oganised and structured than I ever was before.

Seriously. So. Organised.

I thought I was pretty organised already, in fact a lot of my friends ask how we do it - working, the business, study, the kids, etc etc etc....

This year has been particularly full and somewhat difficult, but there has always been a sense of organisation and routine that has kept us going.  I write lists, I keep a family calendar on the wall.  I have a whiteboard and pcokets stuck up by the phone - one for each child for school correspondence and the like. 

BUT apparently, all that is not organised enough.  Actually, I think the fault lies in our routine - too much flexibility, not enough consistent structure. 

Well, excuse me (total sarcastic voice here) for allowing for when the unexpected pops up!   This can happen at any time to anyone so I always make allowances for having to change directions and plans!

No one has actually said that we are not organised enough, only everything I have read so far about dealing and living with ADD/ADHD kids says that structure is the key.  I do see how this will benefit both of my kids, as they are both hopelessly unorganised, but they are only 5 & 8!  What I really want to teach them is to problem solve when they find themselves in a situation that has come about because of their lack of organisation... make sense?

So, I have trolling the internet for ideas on how to implement more structure and organisation into our lives.  I have been looking for examples of good house rules, good ideas for chores and rewards systems.  I have been looking for ways to improve on our calendar and pockets already in use and all this research has shown me that there are some very talented, organised people out there in the blogging & internet world!

Some of my favourites so far have been the Toy Ransom Box over at  Just another day in Paradise which I did up myself yesterday afternoon.  The kids are all for it, so will let you know how it goes.

I have also found this organisation system that I just LOVE:

You can buy these here.

I think though I will make it something more like one of these: 

The point of all of this though is that there are SOOOO many talented people out there with SOOOO many great ideas that I don't have to come up with my own!  So thank you to all of you for sharing your talent online to help make my life easier!

That's it.  That all I have to say.  Oh and I may even share my own end product if I actually ever get organised enough to finally do it!

Yours in organisational Pinterest heaven,

Mummy in Disguise

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