Wednesday 6 February 2013

Hormone Madness...

Sorry to all the blokes out there that might read my blog, but today's post comes with a warning:

*Warning.  This topic is rated M.  For Menstruation.  Reader discretion is recommended.  The feint-hearted, squeamish and uncomfortable should avert their eyes and stop reading NOW. 

You have been warned.

I know I have mentioned before that I was having major irregular periods over the last 18-24 months, to the point where the Doctor thought I may have been peri-menopausal.

I know I have also mentioned that I went off the pill about four months ago, to see what my body does in it's natural state.

Well, I am happy to report that periods have been spot on.

I am NOT happy to report that my hormones are definitely NOT so spot on.  Crazy is a word that comes to mind.

PMS.  Dammit.  [Insert expletive laden rant here.]

I am achy, seriously cranky with a barely there fuse, teary, tired and generally just very....yuck.  I feel like I am on the verge of snapping at any moment and God rest the poor soul of whoever might be on the receiving end of that...  I don't feel like being around my kids either, and I have no patience for their fights and arguments.

None.  AT ALL.

I just want to sleep all day.  Hide under the doona until it passes and I am free to be happy me again.  That is what I WANT to do, but life must go on, DAMMIT.

I am soooo not liking this aspect of my natural, pill free body, but I just have to remember that the good certainly outweighs the bad.  Especially now that there is a safety alert on my pill, which you can read about here.

In all seriousness, does anyone else suffer from PMS like this?  Or worse?

I don't doubt that there are many of you who suffer worse, as I may have inherited a tendancy to exageration from my father.  BUT, right now, it feels like the worst in the world.

In my twenties I barely had any symptoms and in my thirties I started developing pains that alerted me to the fact that my period was coming, so this extreme feels a little new and overwhelming to me.

How do you cope?  Got any tips? 

The only blessing is that for me it is quite obviously PMS and not an episode of deeper depression - thank goodness!  I guess there is a silver lining to the psychotic, perpetual muncher I tranform into every 3-4 weeks.  Maybe I can create some sort of superhero character out of her?  Like - multi-tasking is my power: able to save children from a burning building, eat chocolate cake AND answer stupid questions in a single bound...  one can dream...

I am very much looking forward to this being over.  So is my husband. 

Rant over,

             Mummy in Disguise


  1. Yes Yes and YES. I could have written this post myself except that I have never been on the pill. My periods were fine in my 20s, a bit painful in my 30s and just completely difference once I had kids (very late 30s). I am in the situation in recent years (40s) of not really knowing if how I feel is because of PMS or depression. In fact, now I am starting to feel bi-polar - with times of complete happiness. Muse be my new Buddhist (attempted Buddhist!) regime.

    But getting back to the PMS, I find that the week before I just want to stay in bed, YELL at everyone for no real reason and just DO NOTHING. I hate everything and no one can do a thing right. Things that would normally not bother me can send me right over the edge and noone is safe. My hubby marks down on his calendar the days to look out for and does not ask anything of me that could possibly trigger an outburst. It kind of works. He is patient.

    I can, however, recommend an EXCELLENT app discreetly called the P Tracker. It will help you keep a log of moods so that you can be aware of what the day might have in store (once you've been using it for a few cycles) and also helps keep track of general cycle issues. I've been using it for a couple of years and I love it.

    1. Hi Jane, I downloaded P Tracker last year and I love it. It does help when I remember to enter my moods and cramps etc.

      I actually got a "thank you" from Hubby this month for realising I was PMSing and trying hard not to take it out on them too much, even when I can't really control it! I guess he can tell the difference between my PMS and depression better than me, poor luv... hehehe :)


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