Wednesday 19 September 2012

Queen of Procrastination...

I am seriously lacking in motivation at the moment.  To exercise. 

I keep taking my workout gear to work with me with a work out in mind for my lunchbreak but come 12pm, I just can't do it....

I sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo need to exercise as well.  I NEED to get off my butt and get moving. 

But I just can't bring myself to get up, get changed and go....

I need a workout partner to inspire me, any Cairns ladies wanna join me on the Esplanade at 12pm everyday?  I know it is the hottest part of the day but lunch time is really the only chance I get to work out.... 

I don't even feel like yoga at the moment.  I love yoga and how it makes me feel, so you would think I could revert to this as a back up, but nah, don't feel like it :(

It's not that I am tired or anything either.  I just don't want to do it.  Even though I really need to and even though I know I will feel better for it.  I would rather check my email, walk around the shops in town, read a magazine, or even work through lunch if required!

I am absolutely the Queen of Procrastination.  I come across as really organised, but in reality a lot of what I do is done last minute!  I do get a bit of a rush from that, getting it done just in time...  the stress from doing this is probably why I am holding on to the weight I need to lose, which exercise will help me do if only I felt the urge to get going...

I could just be lazy.  I am sure my husband thinks this sometimes!  Working out to lose 20kg requires hard work, committment and a vision of yourself 20kg slimmer.  Well, hard work is not motivating me at all and I am actually having trouble trying to visualise a slimmer me.  All I can see is my tummy.  Even when I look at skinny mini photos of myself from highschool, I just can't see myself that way now.  Not after two kids and all this yoyo dieting. 

I have friends who have been on amazing weight loss journeys and are truly inspiring to look at them, but then I get home and the thought of exercising actually makes me tired! 

Excuses, excuses I hear you all say.  Well, yes! I need help, stat!

So people, got any good motivation tips for me? 

Yours thinkin' bout getting up while lazily laying back,

                  Mummy in Disguise

p.s.  Please no suggesting the gym or anything that will cost, we truly can't afford that at the moment!


  1. The Tony Ferguson Weight Loss Program worked BIG time for me....and without exercise. However, when I move to an address near you I would be happy to join you for an Esplanade walk....not every day but t least once a week.


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