Wednesday 5 September 2012

Normal (whatever that is!) AND grateful...

I am slowing feeling like I am getting back to normal... whatever that may be for me!!!  I actually got up early and exercised this morning - as opposed to packing stock and doing up orders!

In light of this clarity, I just wanted to take a moment to tell you a little bit about my day at Carnival on Collins on Sunday.

I love this market day.  Every Father's Day is the day when Collins Avenue, Edge Hill, Cairns is closed off and set up as a super huge version of the  monthly Tanks Markets.  It is vibrant, huge, busy and packed full of interesting, excited people out to check out the local wares on offer and pick up a few plants at a great price.  It is the closing event of Festival Cairns, and one of my favourite markets of the whole year.

As a stallholder I get to meet some fabulous people at Carnival on Collins; and I get to have some fabulous and interesting conversations...

Upon reflection of this year's market however; and realising that it was our third year of involvment, I didn't so much meet new people as much as I got to reconnect with some old friends and past acquaintances.

I have to admit that this was in fact my most favourite thing about this year's Carnival.  That and the fact that it didn't rain and my mum was helping me ;-D

At one point towards the end of the day I had lined up three coffee dates for the coming weeks, some with a few ladies I hadn't seen in a while, or even since the last Carnival!  Yay for a social life!!

I truly appreciate how much the community comes together for events like this in Cairns.  The Cairns Post reported in excess of 20,000 people in attendance this year.  Usually I scoff at such stats and wonder how on earth they came up with a number at all when there is no gate entry to count from!  Did someone stick their camera in the air from several angles and guessed from there?  If so, I would have agreed with their guess this year 'cos it was packed!!! 

We sold a STACK of our vanilla tea from the free samples of iced tea we gave out and had fun talking about all our products to our new and existing customers alike. 

As tired as I was from the previous day, I rode the vibe and buzz of the event right to the end - and then collapsed on my mum's couch as my dad cooked us dinner! 

So thank you Carnival on Collins on providing both an income for our business and the chance for me to catch up with friends and have a bit of a social life amid the hussle and bustle of my normal existence!  Thanks also for the new friends and customers we made on the day - they too will soon be old friends...
Finally, thank you for giving me this time with my mum - hardest worker I know and strongest woman on the planet - love this time with my mum!

Yours enjoying a social life while I can,

              Mummy in Disguise

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fab day, Jacks! Glad to hear you are feeling normal, and hopefully not too tired. :) x0x0x


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