Thursday, 19 July 2012

Thankful Thurday...making progress!

Although these posts don’t get read as much as the others on my blog, this has become one of my favourite days of the week!  Personally I get to think about my week and be grateful for my blessings – it’s fabulous therapy for me!  It keeps me grounded and reminds me to keep working on myself so that I don’t slip back into the hole….

This week has been pretty big and pretty busy for me.  Our business is growing everyday, which is exciting and stressful all in one hit.  Family life is as hectic as ever, but I think we are about to find some calm…please? 

I mentioned in a post a little while back that DS was having trouble at school and may have learning difficulties.  Well, it is official – he has ADD.  We head back to the paediatrician today to finalise the diagnosis and figure out the next course of action. 

I am actually feeling a little relieved and feel like we got off quite lightly to be honest as he doesn’t have the hyperactivity that often comes with it, i.e. ADHD.  He has the attention deficit part down well and truly and this is frustrating enough on a normal day, but to have the hyperactivity thrown in as well…a very selfish side of me is thanking her lucky stars because I am not sure I could handle it!

I truly feel for the families that have to go through both the inattention and hyperactivity or predominantly the hyperactivity.  It is not an easy road and these kids get labelled so quickly by everyone around them for behaviours and indicators that are totally out of their control. 

So today, I am so grateful that progress is being made with my DS.  We have a diagnosis, we will next work out treatment, preferably avoiding drugs for as long as we can, and we will work with his school to get DS the support and learning that he needs. 

I feel confident about his future again.

When I first started this blog I wrote about how I worried about my kids and what I could have potentially passed on to them, well, the poor little munchkin currently has such a low self-esteem and gets a little bit of anxiety, it is kind of like my worst fears come true!  Thankfully though we have so much support, knowledge and love on his side, that I know he will come out of this a strong, capable personJ

I also want to thank his teacher for taking the time to realise that there was a problem in the first place and not just thinking he was lazy, naughty or stupid!  Without her input, we would have thought that the behaviours we were witnessing in other areas of his life were probably normal or that he would (hopefully!) grow out of them…we are lucky you spoke up!

Wow, this post was cathartic! 
If there are any parents out there going through this with tips and advice they want to pass on, feel free!!! 

Yours on progress road,

Mummy in disguise

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