Friday, 1 June 2012

What a week...

So this week, I was going to write about the things people say to people with depression....  you know like the ever helpful "Snap out of it!"  You get my point! 

Anyway, all that has gone out the window this week, as did my usual "Thankful Thursday" post...

I will start with "Thankful Thursday".  I have been wracking my brain since yesterday morning and I couldn't think of one single thing I was grateful for this week.  I have had a hard week, I feel completely drained but I still feel blessed (most of the time!) with the life that I have.  There is always something to be grateful for,
but this week there is not just one main thing, there are so many little things that tie it all together.... after the rest of this post, you may question what those things are... but I promise you I do feel very thankful for ALL of my life, not just the good things!

So, why haven't I posted anything this week?  Where have I been, you ask?  (Well I imagine that you ask for my own poetic license...)

Several weeks ago I had a parent teacher interview with my DS's teacher.  It seems that my beautiful boy may have some learning difficulties, which we were beginning to suspect ourselves anyway, but meeting with this teacher made it all so real.... and sent me leaping to action! 

We have been to see a peadiatrician and once the first semester report card comes out, along with some observation of him in the class room,.getting his eyes & ears tested etc, we will be going back to see her and begin the process of diagnosis. 

Of course, with any learning difficulty, behaviour is a major factor. I have started to keep a diary of each day to see how he behaves, what his main traits are, how he is coping etc.  Well, talk about distraction city!!!  I have learnt recently that when a teacher takes the time to write "easily distracted" on a report card, don't take it lightly.  I mean what kid isn't right?!?   But folks, they mean it and they also mean that it is a problem - not necessarily for other kids in the class, but as in the the case of my DS, to himself.

So I have spent the week completely focused on school work - for both of them as little sister can't miss out on the love!  I used to be able to potter around the kitchen while he sat at the bench or table to do his work, but NOW I have to sit with him and remind him to stay on task.  He is fine with things that he enjoys doing, but stuff he finds hard or boring, it is like drawing blood from a stone and requires the patience of Mother Theresa. 

This is all very time consuming, but completely worth it as his teacher has said that she has noticed the effort.  BUT, at home his behaviour has left little to be desired and I reached my limit yesterday afternoon. 

I have tried so hard not to yell.
I have tried so hard not to scream in frustration.
I have tried so hard not to eat really bad food as a way of coping....E-PIC FAIL!  I resorted to something sweet on Wednesday afternoon and it has been downhill from there, lol.

On top of this little slice of my life...
Work is busy and Daintree Vanilla (business) is chugging along nicely. Then there are the after school activities, library visits, disgustingly messy house, laundry, husband studying... uuuurrrgghhhhhhh!

So I have tidied the house. The rest can be done on the weekend and I WILL have the time:)  I have ranted to my hubby so, he gets it now.  Finally, I have finished all my reports at work.  That. Feels. Better!

I also realised this morning that I was on autopilot so as Florence and the Machine belted out "Never Let me Go" I took a deep breath and listened to all the sounds around me, noticed how I felt and had a little stress release cry - you know the one I'm talkin' bout girls!  After a few more deep breaths, I felt relatively normal again and ready to cope with whatever the universe was gonna throw at me!

And here I am writing, so I am starting to feel like me again. 

It's been a hell of a week, but we all get them.  We all go through particularly stressful and trying times on the home front and we all come out at the other end eventually. 

We just gotta take it one day at a time, live in the moment, accept the problem for what it is and work on a better outcome.  PLUS chocolate ALWAYS helps!

Stay tuned for my "snap out of it!" post...

Yours in distraction,

Mummy in Disguise


  1. OMG I completely hear you on everything! We are going through the similar sturggles with DD, the only thing is that school had no idea as she seemed to be hiding it so well, academically she is doing fine, but emotionally and socially major struggles. It wasn't until the parent teacher meeting when I pointed out a few things that light bulbs went off and they were like "well now you mention it!" so I'm due for another meeting there soon and a few other things. But because she 'appears' to be coping it's hard to find the right help.

    And your comment "I try hard not to yell..." me every day! Atleast I know I'm not alone and I'm not the only one. I look forward to the 'snap out of it post' :-)

    1. MummaRat, that sounds like DS last year - he was getting good grades and he appeared to be coping really well, but there were always a few little things that we just couldn't put our finger on....but it has certainly come to a head this year!

      Good luck with DD, keep me posted! We may be able to help each other get a diagnosis for our kids!

      Oh and any parent who says they've never yelled at their kids is telling porky pies in IMHO! xoxoxo


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