Sunday, 9 June 2013

What artistic brain function?

No I haven't fallen off the face of the earth...

Or been swallowed by some mysterious sinkhole in Brisbane....

I am still here, suffering some serious writer's block.  Or so I thought...

Lately, I had been thinking that the reason I haven't written since my last post in February was due to writer's block - a creative shutdown, the death of invention, a complete blockage of my artistic brain function...

Wikipedia begins to describe the causes of writer's block as follows:

Writer's block may have many or several causes. Some are essentially creative problems that originate within an author's work itself. A writer may run out of inspiration. The writer may be greatly distracted and feel he or she may have something that needs to be done beforehand.

If I stick with this idea of writer's block, then the last sentence of this list absolutely applies to me.

Distracted?  Tick.

Even now writing this post, I have gone off tangent to print out my week 5 module and checked Facebook.  Even before hitting publish several days will have passed and so much more done and enjoyed.

Do I feel like I have something that needs to be done before my synapses open up once again? Sure, I just didn't realise what that something was, until this week. 

A lot has been happening in our lives since we moved to Brisbane, and a lot HASN'T been happening.

Let me give you a quick run down - in point form, in not particular order - of what has been going on (otherwise we will be here all day and I risk losing the small number of readers I do have!):
  • DD has been experiencing some anxiety about going to school.  The resilience we had built up last year completely disappeared, understandably, and she was crying at drop off and by all reports, during breaks and sometimes in class at the drop of a hat.  
  • We ALL got sick - one at a time - we should be better aclimatised by this time next year!
  • I got a job! Part-time - loving it!
  • I started study - loving it!
  • Joined a gym.
  • We got a second car - yay!
  • Bestie Cairns-Renee and her girls came for a whirlwind visit in April!
  • Bestie Emma came for a whirlwind visit in May!
  • DD turned six! 
  • NAPLAN (actually this was pretty tame - total anti-climax!)
  • Settling in at school - me of course, not the kidlets!
  • Daydreaming and brainstorming about my future wellness business.
  • Enjoying life - a slower, calmer life.
All this in five months.  See, not much compared to life in Cairns, where I would have attempted to squeeze all this into one week!

I've been taking things slowly and calmly, one task at a time where ever possible.  There has been no mad rushing about, no headless chook in sight. 

Now that I am settled into my job that takes up a whole two days of my week, I've started studying.  In approximately 8 weeks I will be a qualified Holistic Counsellor and Meditation Teacher.  The other days of my week are taken up by visits to the gym, shopping, studying, library visits, catch ups and cuddles with my babies.  There are some shouty sessions with the kidlets, especially in the morning and evening crunch times like most other parents, but I try to keep that to a minimum!  Weekends are total family time! 

I think it is pretty clear that life in Brisbane is quite de-cluttered at the moment and I honestly hope it stays this way.  There is much happiness all round.    

Having the time to focus on each task as they come has been bliss - a feeling I am still getting used to, but bliss nonetheless!

However, underneath all this bliss I have been doing A LOT of introspection!  I have been looking into the nooks and cranies of my mind to work things out, all the while on the look out for any sign or trace of sadness, unworthiness, guilt, decline....

I did find a little homesickness in there.  To be expected of course - I am nearly 2000km from my family after all.  Luckily there hasn't been a hint of undefined sadness to be seen.  Which is good right?

Well, it wasn't until today that I realised that the thing that I needed to do in order to unblock my artisitic abilities was declutter.  Declutter my mind, life, calender, everything!!
Can you see what I mean about my writer's block being caused by more than just a distraction?  I have needed to go through the aforementioned decluttering process before I could go back to writing again, but I wouldn't exactly call the whole process a distraction.

More... like.... a NECESSITY!

I have neglected my blog and you, my readers in the process, but I've often thought about how I needed to write a post....  and then the time between posts got further and further apart....

Until this week.

I have felt the urge to write again, though not in any urgency kind of way.  I have also had a few A-Ha moments this week that I really want to share with you all, but I will save these for my next post.  I felt that I really needed to update you all of my return from decluttering, distraction and writer's block first.

So here I am, clear headed, healthy, calm and relaxed.  Above all, really happy with my life right now.
How have you all been doing?

Happy to be back,

                Mummy in Disguise   xoxo


  1. Congratulations - on the job and the fact your course is nearly done. Brilliant achievement.

    1. Thanks Jacana! Sorry it took me so long to reply - study, study, study!!


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