Monday 3 September 2012

I am just so tired...

I am feeling a tad fragile today.

I have worked my paying job as normal last week, but with the added bonus of having to catch up from the previous week's days off sick...

I have then been up early most mornings completing orders from online sales and wholesalers, as well as completing stock for the weekend's markets...

I have now just done two full days of markets.  The markets I usually do finish around 12pm.  Saturday's market finished at 4pm and Sundays "Carnival on Collins" finished at 3pm. 

I am pooped.
I am hormonal.
I am mentally exhausted.
I am sore and feel a million years old.
I am fragile.

DH says to me this morning after my first attempt at dragging my arse out of bed, "you're not tired, you just slept for nine hours!"  

Did I mention I was hormonal?  I haven't had a proper period for like two months, so I am super hormonal at the moment....(cue shower scene from Psycho).

Then, this morning, everyone wanted a piece of me ALL AT THE SAME TIME!

I don't care if I slept for 15 hours last night, I am still tired.  Which in turn makes me feel stressed and scattered in the morning, so please just give me a break!! 

I have another five days of work, the business stuff doesn't stop and I have another huge market on Sunday.  Hopefully I will get to recover a bit in the evenings, which is when I am absolutely hopeless at getting any work done.  Come 6:30pm/Dinner time, I am out for the count after that!  I can cope with dinner, bath, home readers and bed, good luck getting me to do much else after that!

I am not beating myself up about all this, I know that I am just tired and need a chance to recover.  Then I saw this little doozy this morning and suddenly everything seems so much better:

How beautiful is this!  This will be my mantra this week! 

The tiredness will pass and things will get better.  I know this is true, I know it will happen.  I just have to let it happen in it's own time.  I am sure tomorrow I will be fine and this morning will seem like a distant memory...  

Until then, heres to sunbeams shining out of our faces and always looking lovely; heres to having good thoughts,

               Mummy in Disguise

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